Video : Ke$ha : Maxwell Interviews Ke$ha On Q102

Friday 19 August 2011

Music : Ke$ha : KISS Concert coming soon

As KISS wrap up work on their 20th studio album (to be released in January) a new DVD box set of live performances, Kissology Vol. 4 has been scheduled for release in late November. The set will include performances from 1976 through 2010. The first three editions of the Kissology series, released in 2006 and 2007, were all multi-platinum successes.
Ke$ha and Alice Cooper... and in the role of the Devil on Alice Cooper's upcoming (9/16) Welcome 2 My Nightmare album: Ke$ha. "[She's] an old friend of mine," according to Coop in an interview with Ultimate Classic Rock. "When she was in London, I got up and did a song with her. She actually plays the Devil in this thing." Specifically, the two will duet on "What Baby Wants" which the two old pals also co-wrote. The album employs the same concept as 1975's Welcome To My Nightmare, Coopers first solo album release

News : Ke$ha : Spank Rock Interviews Ke$ha about her new dark album

So how has the tour been going? It seems like an odd match.
You know, I thought it was an odd match on paper, and now that I've been out with her, the music has its similarities. It's been a really fun tour, and it's introduced me to a whole new audience.
Can you even believe that your album is coming out, after [all this time]?
I can definitely believe it, because I've been working my [butt] off. A lot of people gave up on me. I've had very little support the past few years trying to get this done. But my good friends focused in on it, we pulled it together and we pulled it off.
Who gave up on you?
Well, first the record label. They wanted me to renegotiate my deal to be this horrible 360 deal, where not only do they take a part of your record sales ... they ask the artist to give you a percentage of their merchandise and touring. I don't believe in that at all ... I started hearing a lot of whispers about my downfall from my peers and the music community. Those were a pretty intense couple of years.
Did you listen to new music and think, “I should be out there right now. Everybody's gaining on me”?
I don't think about music as the competition like that. Everyone's creativity is different ... But it's sad because you want to make music because you love it, you want to perform because you love it, and you get tied up and you're not able to do this thing that means so much to you. That's the worst part. I'm happy for all my friends and peers who've been able to have these wonderful music careers. I just wanted to be able to share the thoughts that I have, and the music I've been creating.
The title [of the new album] sounds dark.
There's a lot of dark things that have been happening in politics and the world in general. Watching Africa having a lot of revolutions and continuous war and discussions between right-wing Christian America and extremist Islamic people. I've been watching this, and I feel like the world is a really dark place right now. I'm kind of surprised that this isn't coming up for a lot of other artists as well. I'm surprised that people can still focus on partying and not really touch these issues.
Your first album focused on [partying] a little more. Would you say this one's more serious?
I feel like there were a lot of serious thoughts on the first record. It was 50-50 partying and revolutionary spirit. I wanted to encourage people to fight for what they believe in, and I was kind of bummed out that people glossed over [those thoughts], so for the second one I wanted to kind of pull those thoughts more into the forefront. But I still have a lot of fun, sexy party anthems on this album. I understand the need to be able to shake it off, to release negative energy, but I dont believe in escapism. Sometimes you need to be able to go out to the club and dance, but other times you gotta do your work.

Music : Ke$ha : Katy Perry, Lady Gaga and Ke$ha all part of the Britney Spears Tribute at the MTV Vmas?

Wednesday 17 August 2011
The 2011 MTV Video Music Awards will include a tribute to pop star Britney Spears, and now one source claims that Katy Perry, Kesha and Lady Gaga will be a part of the all-star salute.

According to DigitalSpy, TV producer and casting director Jonathan Woodbeck (‘The Real World,’ ‘Top Chef’) has tweeted his prediction for the show. “If this lineup is legit (which I’m told it is) the tribute to Britney at the VMAs is gonna be insanely EPIC!!,” he wrote along with a list of pop stars who are reportedly performing an unforgettable medley.

According to Woodbeck, the mash-up will include Selena Gomez singing ‘…Baby One More Time’; Perry performing ‘Oops!…I Did It Again’; Janet Jackson fronting ‘I’m a Slave 4 U’; Demi Lovato sampling ‘Toxic’; Kesha and Nicki Minaj performing ‘Gimme More’; Gaga singing ‘Circus’; and last, but not least, Spears closing things out with ‘Hold It Against Me’/'I Wanna Go.’ Madonna will reportedly take the stage after the performance to present Spears with a ‘Lifetime Achievement’ award.

Music : Ke$ha : Find Out What Ke$ha Is Doing With Rocker Magician Criss Angel!

Tuesday 16 August 2011
Ke$ha has worked with rapper Flo Rida, 3Oh!3, and Britney Spears, but I don’t think many people saw her collaborating with rocker magician Criss Angel. The whole thing came about, thanks to her little brother.
Apparently Ke$ha and her family went to see Criss’ stage show, BeLIEve, in Las Vegas, because her brother, Louie, is a huge fan of Criss’. After the show, they all met backstage and Criss was nice enough to sign one of his magic kits for Louie.
The whole group hit it off right away, so much so, that Ke$ha decided to appear in a video on Criss’ new website Which is apparently a combination of a TV network, magic school, magician’s supply shop, and portal to all things magic. actually goes LIVE tonight, along with the Ke$ha video. So if you need a little magic or Ke$ha in your life, check it out!

News : Ke$ha : Time Out New York Interview

Sure, Ke$ha might gets her kicks out of making necklaces from fans’ teeth and licking rock stars’ faces (the proof awaits below), but the hard-living pop star is no dummy. On a break from her European tour, the “Tik Tok” hit-maker talked with us about life on the road, in advance of her Get $leazy blowout that’s coming to Jones Beach on Saturday 20.
You’ve just finished touring the U.K. Did you find it rougher there than here?
[Laughs] Oh, God! Yeah, in Scotland everybody was wasted by three in the afternoon—it was awesome! And last night I played here in London and we definitely got into messy, rowdy after-parties.
What’s the most bizarre thing you’ve seen in the past year of craziness?
Oh, you know, I’ve been all over the world…the most bizarre thing? I just played Glastonbury and I brought all my trannie friends, and we were all walking around and they were in thongs, with big fake boobs and giant wigs and wellies on. And one of them fell in the mud, so we all decided to just roll around in it together. So by the end of the night there was a bunch of trannies in thongs and wellies covered in mud, all drunk, singing along to U2. It was pretty good.
You strike me as being very hardy—you Tweeted that you actually like sleeping on the tour bus…
Well that’s definitely the image that I try to uphold, that I am tough, and I am confident. Because I think that that’s a good role model, to let things roll off your back and not take any negativity too seriously, and to really not give a fuck. Of course there are certain things that get to me, but I try and lead by example and show people that, especially with haters, that you should just ignore them.
Do you ever have to take quiet time?
[Laughs] I try to get in quiet time and book time, but really, the only time I ever get that is when I’m on an airplane—I have a fear of flying, but I actually love flying because it’s the only time I can sleep, and it’s the only time I get to read. Right now I’m reading Jitterbug Perfume, by Tom Robbins. He’s one of my favorite authors; he wrote Still Life with Woodpecker and he’s great.
You write your own songs and work hard. Do you ever feel like people underestimate you?
I mean, yes—but I’m living my dream. I’m so thankful every day I get to wake up and play music to people that show up to my gigs. So is it hard, is it a grueling schedule and do I work my ass off? Absolutely. But that’s not what I’m going to focus on, because I just feel so lucky, and it seems a little bit pretentious. And the party-girl image—it’s true, I do drink whiskey. But to maintain the kind of schedule I have and to work on all of my songs—and I play almost every instrument if you come and see my live show—there’s brains behind that. I write for other people, and I am a smart person. I don’t think you could be dumb and be conquering the world.
What makes a hit song? Is there math to it?
I think anybody would have a different answer to this, but for me what’s really important for my songs is that they’re honest [Emphatically] and they’re real. I can tell when someone’s singing a song and they don’t mean it. I write every song. It’s coming from me and my life and my experiences. So it’s all real. And when I can connect with somebody and I believe them, I think that makes the song more tangible to me and, you know, a hit.
What music is believable to you?
Well, for Animal, I’d always listened to Licensed to Ill, the Beastie Boys record. It was just so funny and irreverent and youthful and no matter what, when you put on that record it makes you wanna destroy and party and it puts you in a great mood. And I always wanted my record Animal to be like that. Just ’cause I believed them. They were out of control and running around New York City. And I loved it. But another song? Iggy Pop, “Nightclubbing”. I believe he goes nightclubbing at all hours and is kind of just lurking around, slithering around like a weirdo in the night. I believe him when he sings that.
Tell us about your Hands On Nashville project. That sounds pretty noble.…
Well, I’ve snuck into shows since I was 13 years old. And I know there are people who don’t want to break the law, but I thought I could give kids a way to get into my shows, by giving back to the community—they can earn their way into the show. I know when I was younger I couldn’t get a [break], so this is a way for them to do something good and get a free ticket to a dance party.
Your fans are so devoted, they’ve started sending you their teeth.
Ah! [Laughs]. They are devoted. One fan sent me one tooth, so I made a necklace out of it. But then I found a bunch of my baby teeth, and started realizing I would love to wear a piece of my fans’ bodies on me. I mean, it sounds kind of weird, but I’m very much into wearing gemstones and natural pieces of jewelry ’cause it makes me feel grounded. And I started thinking, maybe I could make some sort of garment out of my fans’ teeth. I have almost 500 and I’m still collecting more. I got four yesterday.
Are you at all grossed out by it? Or is it just, Yep, got the teeth?
No! That’s, like, the animal inside. I love bringing that out of people.
Is your mom a bit of a hippy chick?
Yeah. I mean, she’s definitely a hippy—she lived in a school bus, and then a teepee for part of her life. So I guess I get the free spirit from her. And then I get a little bit of the rowdiness from my brother.
There’s a messiness to what you do—a critic remarked on the fact you did a cartwheel onstage that was not very good but really joyous…
[Giggles] Well yeah, that sums up my message pretty accurately—that what I’m doing is messy and imperfect, but it’s really fun. And it’s just a big celebration of life, and nobody on my stage takes themselves very seriously. We’re good musicians and we play a good show, but we act a little bit like jackasses. I never want to be pretentious.
You recently licked Slash on the face.
Ah! Yeah. I was playing the Oxegen festival, and I’d just gotten off stage and I was on this high. So I get out of my car and see Slash doing an interview, and I try to go kiss him. But I couldn’t reach ’cause he’s really tall, so I just decide to lick him. [Laughs] It was a good one.
Is Ke$ha onstage a persona like Ziggy Stardust, or is that straight-up you?
I think it’s like me times ten.

Music : Ke$ha : Kesha to Play The Devil on Alice Cooper new album!!

Monday 15 August 2011
Kesha always positioned herself as devilish and she takes that whole pop music’s bratty little sister thing to the next level with her appearance on shock rock god Alice Cooper‘s new album, ‘Welcome 2 My Nightmare.’ Kesha and Coop have joined each other on stage multiple times in the past few years and Cooper told Ultimate Classic Rock that he thinks Kesha will make a directional shift to the left and lean more towards rock, as opposed to polished pop, on future recordings.

“You watch, she’s gonna end up being a rock singer, not a disco singer. She wants to be, you know, she wants to be Robert Plant, and she’s a big tall American girl and she could really do it,” Cooper predicted. All eyes will be on Kesha to see if this prognostication comes true.

Cooper also said, “Kesha’s an old friend of mine. When she was in London, I got up and did a song with her. She actually plays the Devil in this thing.” It’s beyond cute that he calls her an “old” friend when she’s all of 24 years old and could be his granddaughter! And Kesha playing the Devil on the record? Oh yeah!

Kesha appears on the song ‘What Baby Wants’ on the album and it’s sure to be the duet of the year. Cooper further explained: “When she decides that it’s time for her to get paid — you know, there’s always that ‘I need your soul now’ kind of moment — and I’m trying to talk my way out of it, she goes ‘Oh no no no, what baby wants, baby gets.’ That’s the song — ‘What Baby Wants.’ I wrote it with her and Bob Ezrin and the song is very cool.”

Kesha will get sleazy in a whole new way in the future, if Alice Cooper rubs off on her and has anything to say about it. A rock ‘n’ roll Kesha? That’s believable, where in most pop tart cases, it isn’t. Kesha herself even intimated a few months ago that she’d be going in a “balls out” rock direction.

Photoshoot : Ke$ha : Jason Sheldon

Friday 12 August 2011
A new pic / promotional for GET $LEAZY  hits up the internet.
K$ looks fierce!

Tour : Ke$ha : Ke$ha Offers Chance to Meet Her on Upcoming Tour Through Charitybuzz Auction

Thursday 11 August 2011
Want to meet Ke$ha and exchange tips about glitter, getting' sleazy and maybe try and sing 'Tik Tok' with her backstage during a meet and greet? Well, the Goddess of Glitter is using her glitter for good, by auctioning off tickets to her Get $leazy Tour, along with an opportunity to meet the shimmering songstress herself via charitybuzz.

Bidding is available on leading charity auction site through Wednesday, August 17th for tour dates in Chicago, Detroit and Minnesota by going here.

The proceeds will benefit Musicians on Call, an organization that brings live and recorded music to the bedsides of patients in health care facilities. What an uh-mazing cause for Ke$ha to work with, since those who are in health care centers could certainly see their recovery and their health aided and improved by music.

In case you weren't aware, charitybuzz raises funds for nonprofits around the globe through incredible online auctions, giving its bidders exclusive opportunities to make a difference.

Are you going to bid on tickets and chance to meet glitter goddess Ke$ha?

Music : Ke$ha : Hush Hush (DanceFloor)

The full version of "Hush Hush" has leaked.
Sounds amazing!
Listen to it below..

Video : Ke$ha : G105 gets ke$hafied

Tour : Ke$ha : Ke$ha Got $leazy and $keezy at Klipsch Amphitheater, August 7

Monday 8 August 2011

At about the moment when Ke$ha performed "We R Who We R," it became clear why so many people had come out to watch this $leazy show despite the oppressively trite lyrics and dizzying heat. The blond songstress sang, "We'll be forever young, you know we're superstars!" The internet has let us all be "famous."

Ever since the popularity of nightlife photography with sites like Last Night's Party and street fashion with FaceHunter and The Sartorialist, America's youth has decided that it is indeed famous.

They dress as if a camera's following their every move. And they have to be worth photographing. So they gotta party like P. Diddy in 1999. Every club is Studio 54 in its heyday. $leazy is how we see the reality stars and heiresses act as they flash their crotches and party in Vegas as the paparazzi snap away at them. $leazy is the only way to have fun.

This generation was born with an email address. And Ke$ha's message speaks to its exuberance and self-importance. By the end of her performance, she was stumbling around like Nicole Richie at her worst, only to be carried offstage after the final song by a man dressed in a half-assed Santa Claus suit.


The crowd was filled with young kids, their dancing moms, and mostly girls and gay boys from the ages of 15 to 24. They're totally sold on the dramatic lyrics and goofy drunkenness of the singer. Every song was a sing-along at top volume.

Spank Rock kindly spared us any frills. His performance whipped the crowd into a frenzy, and he seemed to enjoy unlikely fans. Meanwhile, the thing that made both LMFAO and Ke$ha's shows so memorable were the abundance of absurd props.

LMFAO's crew included a handful of acrobatic dancers. They were basically a breakdancing-Broadway-troupe-meets-bargain-bin-workout-video. And the stage looked like a dollar store. They had a life-size, blow-up zebra that got ridden and thrown to the crowd, a blow-up palm tree (for "I'm in Miami Bitch"), what looked like a carton of milk, a 40-ounce bottle of booze, and there was a guy in a panda suit. There was confetti and a beer funnel. All the little ladies ate up the goofy fun-times aesthetic and jumped about to the dance party anthems.

LMFAO expressed their appreciation for this town that made them famous, saying they first came in '07 for WMC and noting that they owe everything to Miami. However, their performance was a little lackluster considering the crowd's energy. It could have been quite insane. But it was just OK. All the dudes onstage got down to Speedos for "Sexy and I Know It," to the thrill of the tweens.

Ke$ha's show went from being like, "Is she gonna move?" to "Wait, what's going on?" At first, she seemed to be standing around with instruments that she wasn't playing. For "Blah Blah Blah," she ran out onstage with a bandana wrapped Rocky-style around her cranium while carrying a guitar that looked like a gun. There were two guys dancing, one with zebra undies, the other with an American flag. If it were Bono up there, we might have to say this was some sort of comment on the troops. But it was Ke$sha, and so it was just confusing.

Around the time she launched into "Party at a Rich Dude's House," Ke$ha said something that sounded like, "I'm so fucked up!" And yes, she seemed fucked up, rolling around on the floor. The stage show for "Cannibal" was pretty entertaining. Girl dancers hopped around the stage and attached a man to a big black wooden X. As the X spun, the women danced around with fake hands in their mouths. Ke$ha looked like she was drinking his blood. And when the X swung around, it had a skeleton hanging there instead of a dude. A bit Halloweeny.

A guy yelled out, "I'll eat you up, Ke$ha!"

And now, a list of some of the props: Big fake cameras, guitars, things that looked like blowtorches, a glitter-filled drum, a snare and a bass drum being played by guys in underwear and band jackets, fake body parts, ribbon streamers, a dinosaur pinata, toilet paper, someone in a full-body dick suit (who ripped down the pinata), and water.

For "Dinosaur," there was a dude in a dinosaur mask and two in skull masks, cowbells were played, walkers were thrown about. Yes, walkers ... Two huge red balloons filled with glitter were sent out to the audience and when they popped, you know what happened, everyone was covered with the most annoying party prop ever.

Ke$ha yelled, "I have a problem, though. I don't think I have enough glitter on my body." And then she shoved her hand down between her breasts, dug something out, and threw it into the air. "That's my titty glitter for you!" Thanks, Ke$ha. Real nice.

It was a party at Bayfront. One that just might inspire Miami's young folks to dance, sing, get fucked up, and dress like a moron. Basically, to have fun. Maybe Ke$ha's message (though irresponsible and delusional) isn't so bad. You know, it's really hard to have an awesome time while looking like a lady.

Critic's Notebook

The crowd: Young and excited. Also, sleazy and scary.

Personal bias: There is nothing I hate more than glitter. It is poison and it never goes away.

Ke$ha's Setlist:
-"Take It Off"
-"Fuck Him (He's a DJ)"
-"Blah Blah Blah"
-"Party at a Rich Dude's House"
-"The Harold Song"
-"Your Love Is My Drug"
-"Tik Tok"
-"We R Who We R"
-"(You Gotta) Fight for Your Right (to Party)" (performed by Santa guy)

News : Ke$ha : Jeffree Star recording w/ Ke$ha's mom

Sunday 7 August 2011
No one is a bigger fan of diva Jeffree Star than Jeffree Star.
Like so many fame seekers Jeffree (born Jeffrey Lynn Steininger) parlayed his MySpace page into a musical career any Bravo Housewife worth her silicone implants and botox injections would envy.
The internet sensation released Plastic Surgery Slumber Party, Cupcakes Taste Like Violence and the long playing debut Beauty Killer - produced by 3OH!3’s Nathaniel Motte, Lester Mendez, God's Paparazzi, etc., featuring Nicki Minaj, Alkaline Trio’s Matt Skiba and Breathe Carolina, and promises new goodies in 2012 under the tutelage of Akon.
Brian Kennedy - whose work includes producing Chris Brown, Jennifer Hudson, Joe Jonas and Rihanna - is said to be producing Best. Night. Ever., a possible track for his forthcoming album or solo single release. He’s also recording with Ke$ha's mom Pebe telling fans, “she's an amazing writer!!”
Hard to believe some are just discovering the raconteur, model and fashion designer through MTV's Jersey Shore Season 4 Italy where Sexin' On The Dance Floor featuring Mr. Star was recently heard.
The boy spits quotes more shocking than his fuschia hair and it’s gospel to the Hot Topic crowd, which by the way stocked his first CD. If you take a moment - and a set of his dayglow press on nails - and dig beyond comments like Jesus Christ with fake eyelashes,” Half super bitch and half mega c-nt," and even “Jon-Benet Ramsey wanted to be me” (a portrait of whom is tattooed on his arm), you will discover Star has a razor sharp wit that cuts haters and protects the herd.

Music : Ke$ha : Hush Hush (New Snippet) ???

Recently a snippet of ke$ha without bonnie mckee "hush hush" leaked.
Check it out!

Music : Ke$ha : Till The World Ends (New Snippet) ???


Recently , a new snippet of ke$ha's demo of till the world ends
has leaked. Amazeballs! Can't wait for the full to leak.


Saturday 6 August 2011
Don’t call Ke$ha a pop princess.
The singer, known for her radio hits Tik Tok, Blow, We R Who We R, Take It Off and Your Love Is My Drug, shuns labels and branding, preferring to do things on her own terms.
If her rebellious nature and strong-willed attitude is any mark of her success, it’s worked for the singer, who was once so broke she lived in a car. (Some time later, with fame nowhere in sight, she snuck into Prince’s L.A. mansion to leave him a demo.)
It was Miami rapper Flo Rida who took notice of the singer, using her as a guest vocal spot on his hit Right Round. We chatted with the 24-year-old Nashville resident, who is performing at 7:30 p.m. Sunday at Bayfront Park, Klipsch Amphitheater, in Miami.
Do you like touring?
I love it. I seriously feel like I’m living and dying when I’m on stage. In the beginning, I come alive. By the end of the concert, I have given the crowd everything inside of me.
You must be tired after all that singing and dancing.
I usually don’t get to sleep. [The crew and I] are kind of like vampires, we don’t sleep until the sun comes up.
What has been your favorite moment on tour so far?
It was in Hungary. My mother, who is part Hungarian, was there. I was playing in the town square in front of 300,000 people, and looked out at the horizon and was brought to tears. There were so many people in the crowd who were singing along. It was really beautiful.
You have a very unique fashion style. What’s your inspiration?
Honestly, I have no idea what you call it. I kind of feel like a sexy hobo, like a really attractive homeless person. I’ll find crazy s--- at Goodwill, rip it up, then tie it back together. I don’t like brands.
Secondhand or not – you wear it well.
Confidence is the key! When I wore a trash bag to the [2010 MTV] VMAs, I had confidence.
On your website, you have an option for fans to pick out what kind of animal they are. What kind of animal are you?
I’m a Narwhal, a unicorn of the sea. It’s a mystical, magical creature with a big, long horn.
But what does it mean?
I’m an animal lover and advocate. I relate to animals. They operate off of their instincts instead of being told how they’re supposed to act. We should all act like animals.
It’s kind of rebellious.
I’m trying to bring a message to the youth, to be yourself. I’ve had fans approach me crying, telling me how much my music helped them.

Read more:

News : Ke$ha : Glitter Cannon

Ke$ha aims her glitter cannons at Charlotte
Ke$ha's been accused of using too much Auto-Tune, of being a poor man's Lady Gaga, of corrupting her young fans with foul language.

But you can't accuse her of being boring. And you can't accuse the 24-year-old pop star of being lazy; she works every bit as hard as she plays (and she plays very hard).

The hitmaker behind earworms such as "Tik Tok" and "We R Who We R," Ke$ha is now 60 shows into her "Get $leazy" tour, which launched in February and has blitzed through Australia, Canada, Europe and the U.S. She played the Fillmore club in Charlotte April 19, and Wednesday will return to take the stage at a much bigger arena: the Time Warner Cable Uptown Amphitheatre.

We spoke by telephone with Ke$ha last month about her continuing fascination with glitter, the age-appropriateness of her concerts, and her very, very hardcore fans.

Q. Since you're at a bigger venue this time, will there be big differences in the show?

Oh, of course. I've added to the show a lot, 'cause a big stage and lots more people requires much more glitter.

Q. I assume you'll be bringing all your glitter cannons.

Oh, those aren't going anywhere. They just keep getting bigger, too.

Q. How far can your cannons shoot the stuff?
My backpack cannon, depending on the tank that we fix it to, can shoot, like, 40 feet. But then I have other cannons that ... you have to keep feeding them glitter, like gallons and gallons of glitter. I have glitter roadies. They're the ones that dump more and more glitter into the bigger cannons that shoot almost 100 feet. I also have giant balls of glitter. I really like glitter. I'm not kidding when I say I wanna cover the entire world with glitter.

Q. My sense of the show is that it is for mature audiences. True or false? How old does one need to be to come to a Ke$ha concert?

If you listen to my records, it's no surprise as to what I'm gonna have in my show. I have a little bit of a potty mouth, but it's all in good fun. And I do have (some R-rated props), but it's not sexy, it's just really funny. It's not like it's like a big, dirty, nasty, pervy show. ... So it's really up to your discretion as a parent.

Q. How much of what's in this show came out of your head?

It all came from me. I designed the outfits, I came up with the choreography, designed the lighting on a napkin at 4 a.m. with the same guy who did Daft Punk's lighting, I wrote every song, I play almost every instrument, I sing everything live. ... It's genuine, it's real. I'm not dancing around in high heels, I don't look perfect, it's not super meticulously choreographed. It's rowdy and chaotic at times ... and by the end of it everybody in my band is drenched in sweat.

Q. I read one review that said you opened your show by saying "I want to see you all on your worst behavior" - so... what's the worst behavior you've seen?

I did see this 85-year-old man with blue lipstick on chugging and shotgunning beers. After the show, he was barfing outside. That guy was so rock 'n' roll.

Q. You probably don't see many 85-year-old guys at your shows, I guess.

I wish I saw more, to be honest. ... Oh, I recently got proposed to at one of my shows. I think that was in London.

Q. Did you let him down easy?

No, I said yes. I'm engaged. Did I forget to tell you?

Q. How's the ring?

You know, it's nice. I think it might be plastic - but again, I don't need diamonds, that's fine.

Read more at ONTD:

News : Ke$ha : Ke$ha , the glittery party girl and her mantras.

Friday 5 August 2011
The glittery party girl is on a mission. Kesha, the self-proclaimed “dance commander” with the predilection for all things sparkly, and her “Get Sleazy” worldwide tour are coming to Dallas — again. She performed at a sold-out House of Blues in late April. But come on, that’s too small a venue to contain the in-your-face woman responsible for the incessant synthesized pop-dance radio hits “Tik Tok,” “Your Love Is My Drug,” “We R Who We R” and “Blow.” So she’ll headline Gexa Energy Pavilion on Thursday night with opening acts LMFAO and Spank Rock.

Kesha, now boasting three albums, Animal and Cannibal released last year and the recent I Am the Dance Commander + I Command You to Dance: The Remix Album, grabbed the phone to chat for about 10 minutes. Calling from Los Angeles, she shared thoughts on her tour, image and music.

The “Get Sleazy” tour and its everything-and-the-kitchen-sink approach (glitter, bearded male dancers, Santa Claus and more glitter) aims to be the dance party of the year. It’s about throwing your inhibitions out the window, being free to be free, right?

“It sums up a lot of what I stand for and what I am,” she said. “I just want people to be crazy. I want people to be able to come to my show and be complete idiots, be yourself, have fun. I don’t care. Hopefully I am providing them that outlet for two hours.”

Your image, the glittery party girl, is all about liberation, unabashed fun. Is it invigorating for you?

“I am a free spirit and I am also very honest. I’m 24 years old. The party girl, people call me that. I do like to party, but more than a party girl I am the dance commander. I am inviting people to join the dance party and want people to dance. There are lots of things that bring down our spirits, whether it be financially, your personal life, everybody has issues. It is important to give people a place to come and have fun and let go. It is important for me to be the catalyst for people to have fun. I really believe that I was put on this earth to do this, to have people have fun.”

You love country music — Johnny Cash , Dolly Parton , Patsy Cline — so you write story songs, an homage to country, but package them as electro-pop-dance nuggets. Is it therapeutic?

“What I sing about is my lifestyle. I am very youthful and I have a lot of energy. We are like a cult of young people that don’t give a [expletive]. It’s important no matter who you are or what you do to try to find a little bit of joy in your life, whatever it is. Make light of the situation. Try to enjoy it. Live in the moment. Those are all my mantras.”

News : Ke$ha : Ke$ha At The WoodLands

Halfway through her sparkly, sordid and sweaty extravaganza Tuesday night, Ke$ha dropped to the floor of the Cynthia Woods Mitchell Pavillion stage and, while hunched forward, began to perform "The Harold Song," in which she longs for companionship and says she would gladly give up all of her fame, fortune and even glitter (we assume) if only she had someone with whom to share her bed.

Not in the sexual way, believe it or not; in the romantic, I-don't-want-to-sleep-alone way.

As the song ended and the crowd cheered, she softly breathed a thank-you into the microphone, telling the crowd, "I love you guys."

It was nothing like the Ke$ha we've read about, and it was a stark contrast to the Ke$ha we had been watching up until that very moment.

She may be a puppet in an industry only concerned with making a quick buck, but there may be substance behind this diva. And if she can write more songs like "Harold" on her forthcoming albums, she may even be able to appeal to a few less-than-sleazy young women. In the meantime, she'll stick to what works.

​"Harold" was, of course, an anomaly in an evening full of glitter, glam, boobs, balls and, believe it or not, a few appearances by Santa Claus. If that wasn't enough, Ke$ha played guitar a few times.

Appropriately, the show began with the warped feminist anthem "Sleazy," as the lady of the evening stood in the middle of the stage, sporting sunglasses with bright LCD lights on them.

"This song is about taking your clothes off," Ke$ha told the crowd as the backbeat for "Take It Off" began. Fittingly, the male dancers onstage began stripping, eventually making their way to the edge of the stage with old-timey cameras, pretending to be paparazzi, snapping photos of the crowd.

After "Blow," a man sloppily dressed as Santa Claus walked out onstage, didn't say or do anything, then walked offstage while Ke$ha switched outfits. After changing into more patriotic garb (a red, white and blue tank top), the slutwave queen reappeared and addressed the crowd again.

"Houston, when I say 'Blah,' you say, 'Blah,'" she said, holding a guitar shaped like an AK-47. If there's one thing Aftermath is good at, it's following simple directions. We complied.

Anyone who thinks Ke$ha's lyrics don't have authenticity to them can write off their suspicions as untrue. "Backstabber" is apparently about grand theft auto. Yup, Ke$ha said so herself.

A few years back, Ke$ha told the crowd, she and then-friend "Jeanie" stayed up all night partying, and when Ke$ha woke up, both "Jeanie" and Ke$ha's car were gone. We would have called the police, but Ke$ha went to the bathroom, brushed her teeth with a bottle of Jack Daniels and proceeded to write a song about the incident.

Mick Jagger would be proud.

During "Cannibal" she strapped one of her male dancers to a Saltire (an X-shaped cross) and pretended to rip his heart out. She then proceeded to drink "blood" from it. At this point, Santa brought Ke$ha a chair and then walked back offstage.

Still, we had no idea who this guy was.

"Grow a Pair" is about a boy who wanted to talk when Ke$ha wanted to have sex, which is apparently a no-no in the young lady's book. As the song began, she asked if any boys in the crowd were up for some punishment. She then pulled an 18-year old onstage, Saran-wrapped him to a chair (Santa helped) and began dancing around him, occasionally grinding on his leg or arm.

One of the male dancers reappeared onstage, dressed as a pear. Witty, right? In case the crowd didn't get it though, another guy emerged dressed as a penis, fully equipped with two testicles that Ke$ha began fondling.

The fourth Santa sighting of the night occurred when he brought a mike stand onto the stage. At this point, he still hadn't said a word, though no one in the crowd other than us seemed to care.

​For her encore, Ke$ha reappeared onstage wearing a glow-in-the-dark suit, complete with a yellow helmet with feathers attached to it. She kind of looked like a peacock on ecstasy, or something.

"We R Who We R" closed out Ke$ha's performance, but Santa wasn't quite ready to head back north, apparently. Our surly friend grabbed the mike and began singing "Fight for Your Right to Party" as a piñata bobbed above his head.

Ke$ha then ran back onstage with a glitter-blasting gun, showering her dancers and fans with more gold sparkles. The dancers destroyed the piñata, and all of them humped Ke$ha as she positioned herself on the ground, before Santa carried her offstage.

Maybe her music isn't very good; maybe she isn't all that talented; and maybe everyone in attendance at last night's concert wasted their money supporting an industry that is willing to put anyone in the spotlight as long as they make an easy puppet.

And maybe, just maybe, she gave us hell of a good time.

​Personal Bias: We wouldn't have paid money to see the latest pop-rock icon in the making, but we can always appreciate a good show. And a good show, this was indeed.

Overheard In the Crowd: "At least they saved the best song of the night, the Beastie Boys cover, for last!"

Random Notebook Dump: In case God ever considers giving me a daughter, I have to say that I disapprove of Ke$ha's message. But from the perspective of a 23-year-old male, I can't say that I'm not somewhat fond of the whole "Get Sleazy" thing. Not with a straight face, anyway.

News : Ke$ha : MTV WORLD STAGE

Wednesday 3 August 2011

“MTV World Stage Mexico 2011” will be taped August 25th at Mexico City’s Auditorio Nacional

“MTV World Stage Mexico” with Ke$ha will air on MTV Latin America Friday, September 23rd at 9PM (Mex/Arg/Col)

Miami, Florida. July 28, 2011 – MTV Latin America announced today that the international concert event, World Stage Mexico, will take place in Mexico City for the second consecutive year. The massive musical event will feature international pop star Ke$ha in her first-ever performance in Mexico. The show, taped in HD, will take place at Mexico City’s Auditorio Nacional on Thursday, August 25th and will air on MTV Latin America on Friday, September 23rd at 9PM (Mex/Arg/Col). The show will also air on 62 other MTV channels around the world (air dates to be announced).

“For the second consecutive year, MTV brings international music and talent to Mexico with MTV World Stage,” commented Eduardo Lebrija, SVP & General Manager, MTV Networks Mexico. “MTV World Stage is a proven 360 degree platform where advertisers can reach high levels of world-wide exposure as well as interact with MTV’s audience first hand.”

Tickets for World Stage Mexico will be available free of charge via MTV, on and official event sponsors. For more details, please visit the World Stage Mexico microsite on or follow @EscuadronMTV on Twitter.

“One of MTV’s greatest music properties is back in Latin America! The first-ever World-Stage event in the region took place just last year in Mexico City and was a huge success on air, online and across social networks,” commented Fernando Gaston, Senior Vice President, Content Creative & Music, MTV/Vh1 Latin America. “This year, we’re hoping to deliver more memorable musical moments that resonate with our audience and bring this local MTV Latin America production to MTV’s fans around the world.”

Ke$ha is currently on her worldwide “Get $leazy” tour, that has thus far played to sold out crowds in over 12 countries this year and will culminate with a final performance at Rock in Rio in Brazil on September 29th . She has been touring in support of her recent release of her remix album I Am The Dance Commander + I Command You To Dance (RCA Records / Kemosabe Entertainment) as well as Cannibal, the companion to her platinum selling debut album Animal. The first sold-out leg of the “Get $leazy” tour has been met by rave reviews, called it "good, sleazy fun" and local reviews have exclaimed that “Ke$ha’s live show is basically the best thing ever” and declared that “…Ke$ha is an idol because she's fun, fearless and doesn't take shit from anyone.” Her recent UK shows were met with similar enthusiasm, "Ke$ha live is quite the experience. We weren’t sure what to expect but she really impressed us...Ke$ha’s ‘Get $leazy’ tour lived up to its name and is a really fun experience. This is a party we’d recommend you all go to."

Declared Billboard’s Hot 100 Artist of 2010 and with her song “TiK ToK” being the most played song of 2010 as well as the biggest-selling digital track in the world, Ke$ha’s world domination has continued in 2011. She has had 6 consecutive Top 10 hits, her smash debut single “TiK ToK” was named Billboard’s #1 Hot 100 Song for 2010. Ke$ha has had three #1 songs on the Billboard Hot 100 chart (“TiK ToK”, “Your Love Is My Drug” and “We R Who We R”). Her debut album Animal has already been certified platinum and sold over 2 million units worldwide. She took home the MTV EMA for Best New Act in November and she was nominated for two American Music Awards, 3 MTV VMA Awards and 6 Billboard Awards. She has sold over 18 million combined tracks and ringtones in the U.S alone and 23 million worldwide to date. Her smash breakthrough single "TiK ToK” has sold over 8.5 million combined units alone. The IFPI announced that “TiK ToK” is biggest-selling digital track in the world in 2010 with 12.8 million copies of the song sold in digital stores. Ke$ha is an international powerhouse, Animal has been certified Gold or Platinum or multi-Platinum in seven markets and was the biggest selling debut album from an international female in 2010 in the UK.

In 2010, MTV Latin America delivered a rock overdose to more than 10 thousand fans with its first-ever MTV World Stage concert event held in Mexico City, which featured live performances by The Smashing Pumpkins, Thirty Seconds to Mars and Zoé.

MTV World Stage invites viewers to some of the world's most exclusive concerts performed in unique locations around the world. These shows are taped in High Definition and feature artists from dozens of musical genres on more than 62 MTVs around. the has featured international recording artists such as: Shakira, Lady Gaga, KISS, Katy Perry, Coldplay, Thirty Seconds to Mars, Green Day, Black Eyed Peas, MGMT, Smashing Pumpkins, Depeche Mode and Muse. MTV Networks Latin America, US Hispanic & Canada, a unit of Viacom Inc. (NYSE: VIA, VIA.B), owns and operates the company’s portfolio of entertainment brands which include MTV, VH1, Nickelodeon and their respective properties in Spanish speaking Latin America as well as Viacom Networks Brazil. Additionally, the portfolio includes Tr3s: MTV, Música y Más in the US, which targets a broad US Hispanic audience, and MTV Networks International’s programming partnerships in Canada with Corus Entertainment for Nickelodeon and CTV Globe Media for MTV, Comedy Central and Vh1. The company’s emerging multiplatform businesses include MTVNHD and Red Viacom in Latin America as well as VH1HD in Brazil. MTV Networks Latin America, US Hispanic and Canada also serve the growing number of digitally connected consumers via its websites:,,,, www,, and as well as through its broadband and community sites:, and 

News : Ke$ha : Atlanta Blown Up

Tuesday 2 August 2011
Pop star Ke$ha was forced to cut short the first concert on her North American tour on Saturday after her stage set caught on fire.

The Tik Tok hitmaker kicked off the summer leg of her Get Sleazy tour in Georgia this weekend, but the trek got off to a rough start when a lighting rig went up in flames towards the end of her performance.

Due to safety precautions, the singer had to shut down the show early, but Ke$ha remained upbeat about the incident and took the opportunity to warn her tourmates LMFAO to get ready for a crazy ride.

Taking to her account to share the scary story, she wrote, "@LMFAO UM. FIRST NIGHT OF TOUR AND THE PLACE CATCHES ON FIRE. THIS TOUR IS BEYOND.WORDS.ILL."

The singer will play more than 25 shows across the continent before wrapping up the tour in Phoenix, Arizona on September 20.

News : Ke$ha : Ke$ha on peeing glitter, Will Smith and Vulva 101

Monday 1 August 2011

A conversation with Ke$ha, even briefly, requires at least fleeting mention of a few vital topics. Blue lipstick, a bottle of whiskey and glitter.

“It doesn’t go anywhere. I’ve tried to get it off, but then I just reapply, so it seems relatively pointless,” she says of the sparkly accessory. “After about the third show I ever played, I was like, ‘%@*# it.’ You might as well just learn to love it.

“I’ve found glitter anywhere a person could find glitter. I’ve choked on glitter. I found it behind the backs of my eyelids. Even in my food, in my beer. It clogs my shower after every show. There’s glitter in my piss. It’s so gross.”

But Ke$ha is also — wait for it — sort of sweet. Sure, the raucous party-girl attitude has made her a multiplatinum pop star. (I fully expected her to eat me alive, or at least unleash some serious sarcasm). But she’s surprisingly earnest about her music and sincere about her fan base, which includes large helpings of teen girls in Ke$ha-inspired war paint and headbands at every show.

“I love it. I live for it. I feel like we’re a cult of rabid misfits. We’re all crazy animals, and we just want to all live our life and celebrate it,” she says.

“We’re all there out of a pure and visceral celebration of life. There’s no hate. There’s no judgment. It’s just a really positive environment. It’s really exciting for me to see people come and have a place where they can genuinely just be themselves, free of any judgment they might get at school or work or home.”

Ke$ha’s new show, which lights up The Woodlands Tuesday, takes her sleaze-pop empowerment to a bigger, badder, faster level. It’s her third major appearance here in about a year, following sold-out sets at the House of Blues (July 2010) and Verizon Wireless Theater (April). She promises everything from a “Mad Max meets Lost Boys” vibe and machine-gun guitars to DayGlo body paint and, of course, glitter cannons.

This is Houston in August, kids. Expect it to stick — everywhere.

“I’m playing a bunch of different synths and Kaoss Pads, and it’s really intense,” she says. “I definitely have always been working toward a goal of playing massive places. I’ve really taken it as my personal project to show the world, because that’s where really I can shine, is during my live show. I’ve designed everything — the four outfit changes, the choreography, the lighting and the structure.

“I’ve taken it so, so seriously. It’s like my baby, and I’m so happy with it.”

Ke$ha’s debut album, Animal, generated four top 10 hits, including Diddy-referencing chart-topper Tik Tok (quite possibly the most annoyingly catchy pop song of the past decade). She followed up with an EP, a remix album and another No. 1 single, We R Who We R (which I’ve caught myself singing, despite knowing better). She dropped her last name, Sebert, before joining the glitterati.

Most recently, Ke$ha nabbed a co-writing credit on apocalyptic Britney Spears hit Till the World Ends (and is featured on the remix alongside Nicki Minaj). The bulk of her wish list, however, is decidedly testosterone-fueled.

“Britney Spears is like the epitome of a pop star. I have to say, I’m pretty stoked on that front,” Ke$ha says. “(But) I would love to write a song for a boy. I’m kind of a pervert, and I’m kind of a weirdo. I think I could do it. I would love to do a song with a classic, a great: Robert Plant, Mick Jagger, Keith Richards or Iggy Pop, David Byrne.”

A second studio album is in the early stages, with lyrics and melodies inspired by the likes of Iggy Pop and Black Sabbath. But don’t expect Ke$ha to abandon the groove now that folks are dancing.

“I think that it’s just taken people a little bit of time to realize what kind of animal I am. I came out, and I was rapping and then singing, (putting) Auto-Tune on my voice in a very different way than a lot of other people have used it,” she says. “I was using it to tune my talking voice, my rapping voice. I think people just assumed, ‘Oh, that means she can’t sing.’ It’s actually hilarious to me, ’cause it’s the only thing I’m actually, 100 percent confident in — that I can sing.

“Who knows? Maybe one day I’ll make like a ballad record that’s, like, a really serious, adult-contemporary record. But not right now. Right now, I’m making a record that’s for young people and to inspire people to feel youthful and wild. I feel like I’ve accomplished my goals.”

Gettin’ jiggy: My brother gave me (the Beastie Boys’) Licensed to Ill. He also gave me a Fugazi record. My mom wrote country music, so she gave me Dolly Parton, 9 to 5. I also remember, very distinctly in my mind, being in love with Will Smith. I had like four copies of Big Willie Style.

Show me your teeth: I got one tooth in the mail from a fan, and I was like, ‘This is brilliant.’ I would love all of my fans’ teeth, to be able to wear or to make a piece of art for my house. At this point, I have over 300 teeth. I’m still collecting, if you want to, let people to know that they can still send in their teeth. That’s so, just raw, and a part of your bones.

Fan mail: I recently got this book called Vulva 101. The man told me that I got him out of writer’s block. I was like, ‘That’s sweet. That’s so great.’ I opened the book, and it’s a giant coffee table book just full of pictures of vaginas. It’s amazing.

Music - Rumour : Ke$ha : Ke$ha on "Last Friday Night" Remix

Rumours said that ke$ha is gonna be on the last friday night remix

Not 100% true.
Coould be false.

Video : Ke$ha : Pier7 July 2011

Ke$ha features on Alice Cooper’s New Album

Alice Cooper’s widely anticipated new album, Welcome 2 My Nightmare, will be released September 13, 2011, by Universal Music Enterprises. Recorded with longtime collaborator Bob Ezrin, who produced the original multi-platinum Welcome To My Nightmare album in 1975, the album picks up right where they left off, with Alice trapped in his own warped mind.

The original release is an all-time rock classic that spawned a worldwide theatrical tour and pioneering U.S. TV special, and certified Alice Cooper as a visionary trailblazer whose influence persists today in rock, metal, pop, punk, theatre, television, film and much more.

More than 35 years later, Alice and Ezrin have resurrected the horror and humor for a new generation.

“This is Alice’s nightmare 35 years later,” explains Alice, “Bob and I created this character and we know how to write for him. I play the part but we’re not writing for me, we’re writing for Alice. We kept the first Nightmare album very personal to us, on this one we found more humor and we were more open. This was our world and we want to present it to the fans. The original album was my first solo album after all those huge hit records with the original band and now that nightmare is exposed, this one can be a little bit more open. The music crosses all sorts of boundaries; we went where the lyrics took us.”

There is an array of collaborators on the new album, including original Alice Cooper members Denis Dunaway, Michael Bruce and Neal Smith reunited on 3 tracks; global pop superstar Ke$ha, who affectionately calls Alice “dad”; and legendary Alice and Lou Reed guitarist Steve Hunter, who is part of Alice’s current touring band and featured prominently on the first Nightmare album.

Musically, the album ranges far and wide, from trashing disco to garage punk, pop balladry to a rocking number, very much in the spirit of the Rolling Stones. And then there’s the ballad “Something To Remember Me By,” described by Alice as “the prettiest song we have ever released.”

Glimpses of themes from the original album are intertwined throughout, each track representing a different aspect of Alice’s nightmare.

From the opener, “I Am Made Of You,” through the already established live favorite and first single “I’ll Bite Your Face Off,” to the surprising duet with Ke$ha, “What Baby Wants,” this album is a reminder that albums just aren’t made this way anymore.

And musicians do not play together like Dennis Dunaway, Michael Bruce and Neal Smith anymore.

“I wanted a ’70s feel for ‘When Hell Comes Home,’ says Alice, “and I didn’t even have to ask for it, it’s just how they play and they did it live in the studio. When they got done playing the basic track, Bob and I just looked at each other, that sound is built into their DNA. We didn’t need to go and fix anything. The way they finished was a little bit ragged, and that’s the way we used to finish songs, that’s what I like about it.”

Co-writers on various songs include the aforementioned Bob Ezrin, Ke$ha, Dunaway, Bruce and Smith, plus Buckcherry’s Keith Nelson, Desmond Child (who famously co-wrote and produced “Poison” with Alice), longtime collaborator Dick Wagner, current touring band member Chuck Garric, and film composer Jeremy Rubolino.

“That’s my rebellion,” says Alice of the more surprising guests, “I like people that don’t belong and yet what they’re doing works perfectly. I don’t care where it comes from, as long as it’s right. If you tell me something doesn’t work, I’ll work my head off until it does then shove it down your throat.”

“I think a lot of my audience is going to go ‘KE$HA!?’, but she probably wrote the most wicked lyrics in the song – we had to rein her in. I like people to know that just because artists are put in a pigeon hole, that doesn’t mean that’s what they are. Give people a little room.”

With Steve Hunter, one of rock’s great guitarists, added to the band’s lineup of guitarists Damon Johnson and Tommy Henriksen, bassist Chuck Garric, and drummer Glen Sobel, Alice has been tearing up venues worldwide on his 2011 “No More Mr. Nice Guy” tour.

Alice gave fans an up close and highly personal experience in June with a surprise performance at London’s legendary 100 Club, when actor Johnny Depp joined the band on guitar. Alice showcased the powerful band that had blown away the Download Festival crowd the previous weekend.

This year, the original Alice Cooper group was inducted into the Rock ‘n’ Roll Hall of Fame, and Alice was honored with both the Kerrang! Icon Award in the U.K. and the Revolver Golden God Award in the U.S.


1. I Am Made Of You

2. Caffeine

3. The Nightmare Returns

4. A Runaway Train

5. Last Man On Earth

6. The Congregation

7. I’ll Bite Your Face Off

8. Disco Bloodbath Boogie Fever

9. Ghouls Gone Wild

10. Something To Remember Me By

11. When Hell Comes Home

12. What Baby Wants

13. I Gotta Get Outta Here

14. The Underture
