News : Ke$ha : Rihanna Says She, Katy Perry, Ke$ha, Lady Gaga , BeyoncĂ© & Others... Are “Dominating Music”

Sunday 31 July 2011

Who run the [music] world? Girls, of course.
According to her interview in the current issue of Glamour magazine, Rihanna says there’s a “pack” of high-profile female artists owning the game right now. “It’s me, Gaga, Katy Perry, BeyoncĂ©…who else? Ke$ha for sure.
“Women are definitely dominating music right now and that’s because we are competitive beings. I feel like music hasn’t been this exciting in a while.”

On her close friendship with Perry, she says, “All my friends are guys, to be completely honest. But when I met her, it was such a breath of fresh air. I just couldn’t believe this chick had no edit button…Katy and Lady Gaga came out of the gate exactly the way they wanna think, the way they wanna dress, the way they wanna speak.”
She also touches on how being a powerful force in her career doesn’t translate in the bedroom, where she’d rather play a more submissive role. “I play a very dominant role in my life, in every aspect of it. And I like to feel like a lady still, at some point. I feel like that’s the time when a guy really gets to be a man, and I get to be a woman. If I’m being a man in the bedroom too, there’s nothing really in it for me.”


Music : Ke$ha : Ke$ha working on new song.

Saturday 30 July 2011

Ke$ha is working on a unexpected new song/single that will be out soon ,
Dr.Luke (Ke$ha's Producer) tweeted twice about the new song and we all know that
It is not being rushed , Excited!..

News : Ke$ha : The Cream Interview

Friday 29 July 2011
The Cream Interview

Nashville Cream: Last time I wrote an article about you we didn’t get to talk.

KE$HA: Which one did you write?

NC: I wrote the article about not interviewing you.

KE$HA: Was this the one about the heroin and butt-plug one?

NC: Yes!

KE$HA: You wrote that one?

NC: Yeah, that was me.

KE$HA: That was a funny one. I liked that one.

NC: Excellent. So I guess now that we’ve covered heroin and butt-plugs, let’s talk about volunteering. I think it’s really cool that you’re working with Hands On Nashville for this one.

KE$HA: Yeah, well I’m really excited about it too, because, as I’ve said, I don’t know if you’ve read the quote I gave with it, but I always used to sneak into shows. It was just kind of like a pastime of mine.

NC: Definitely.

KE$HA: So then I thought well some people that maybe don’t wanna potentially put themselves in an illegal situation, potentially get arrested or don’t wanna make out with roadies, they can just help out instead and get a free ticket.

NC: That’s very thoughtful of you. Although I think that the roadies are probably gonna be pissed at you.

KE$HA: Yeah, well… I was like 17. They were lucky motherfuckers.

NC: OK, so, how is the tour treating you? You’re in Europe right now, right?

KE$HA: Yes, I’m in Belfast right now, and I’m about to play a show here. I’ve been doing kind of like the festival circuit in Europe, but the tour’s been doing really good. I’m playing with LMFAO here. Much like I’ll be playing with LMFAO in Nashville when I come to Nashville on the 31st of July. So, it’s going really well. It’s just like they’re totally nuts, and we’re totally mental, and it’s just like a really intense dance party for about two and a half hours.

NC: That sounds like a good time. Actually, I caught your last Nashville show, and that was pretty awesome. The benefit you did for the flood back in …

KE$HA: Oh yeah, the flood benefit at the Limelight.

NC: Yeah, yeah. That show was insane. Just in terms of like how hot and sweaty it was. I’m expecting more of the same. Oh, one of my friends wanted me to ask you what your all-time favorite show at Next Generation was or if you ever snuck in there?

KE$HA: Yes, wait, Next Generation, is that the place in … that was in Brentwood, right?

NC: Yeah, it was.

KE$HA: Yeah, I used to go all the time. Wait, there was a band. The lead singer of The Pink Spiders …

NC: Silent Friction.

KE$HA: Yes. Yes. I have seen them play there when I was in high school, like 9th grade. That place is actually really close to my house.

NC: Let’s see, I had a couple of other requests. Folks wanted to know what your favorite mid-Murfreesboro band was?

KE$HA: Oh God, I don’t remember. It’s been so long. Jesus. I don’t remember.

NC: Yeah, there’s no real reason to. Somebody wanted to know exactly how “Brentwood” you were and if you knew the weekend hours of Joey’s House of Pizza?

KE$HA: No, not very Brentwood. I actually didn’t hang out with a lot of people from high school. I hung out with a few people from high school, but for the most part we would always drive downtown. We would go to the Exit/In and try to sneak into shows, or we would go run around Centennial Park and climb up into the trees, or we would sneak into the Springwater and try to drink beers, or we would try to crash frat parties.

NC: Nice. Time well spent.

KE$HA: Yeah, we also threw a bunch of parties at the Motel 8. We threw hotel parties and got kicked out.

NC: Sounds a lot like my high school experience. Really formative experiences. Nothing quite like the first time you get like frisked by the police when your trying to hide booze in the trunk of your car at 17. So, I’m gonna kinda keep on the local thing. When you’re back in town, what are you doing these days when you’re hanging out in town? Are you just like keeping a low profile or working?

KE$HA: Yeah, I keep a relatively low profile. Last time I was in town I ended up hanging out with some friends of mine. The Black Keys had moved to town, so we ended up getting to play some music, and we recorded some kinda crazy stuff.

NC: Nice. Oh, so that answers my question about the non-Twitter-beef Twitter beef, ’cause I thought that … your interchange with Patrick over, what was it? The Video Music Awards or some award show.

KE$HA: Oh no, I was at his house. We were playing music all day, and I was at his house and he was Twittering me from across the table. We were fighting about shrimp because he loves shrimp, and I personally think they are the cockroaches of the ocean, so we kinda got into it over the shrimp topic.

NC: That’s excellent. I’m glad I got the inside scoop. Yeah, shrimp are kinda weird. It’s like chewing on a sponge.

KE$HA: Yeah, they’re gross. If you’ve ever seen one alive, you would never actually want to eat a dead one.

NC: Yeah, they’re weird little bugs. I mean they’re overgrown sea monkeys.

KE$HA: Oh, gross.

NC: Yeah, think about that next time. Any other, hmmm, any other shellfish you’re not into?

KE$HA: I don’t do shellfish. I don’t do bottom feeders.

NC: Excellent. Good to know. Not that I plan on cooking shellfish anytime soon.

KE$HA: Yeah, don’t send me shellfish and/or shrimp. Please. Ever.

NC: Cool. Well, other fun Nashville things. Where do you get your dry cleaning done? Do you have a big dry cleaning bill? It seems like you would.

KE$HA: You know, I probably dry clean my tour outfits. I do four costume changes, so those I dry clean, but I’m rarely in Nashville. I think I’ve lived in Nashville for about a year now, and I’ve been there a grand total of … if you tallied up all the time, about a week-and-a-half.

NC: Oh yeah, you’ve been … I mean, how many days did you play last year? Like a couple hundred right?

KE$HA: I’ve played more than I can count or keep track of, but all I know is when I come to Nashville, it’s usually for a day, maybe two at a time. The last time I was in town, I got to come home for about five days, so that was like a really extended vacation for me in Nashville.

NC: Excellent.


Video : Ke$ha : How Rock N Roll is Ke$ha?

Thursday 28 July 2011

News : Ke$ha : Party girl Ke$ha tones it down for Del.

If anyone at the Delaware State Fair was curious why the hard-partying Ke$ha was kicking off her North American summer tour in Harrington, the pop star cleared things up at the top of her show Tuesday night.
"Delaware!" the heavily-mascaraed 24-year-old shouted, wearing a black one-piece paired with ripped fishnets. "Are you ready to party?"
The high-pitched screams of the crowd, dominated by school-age girls and teens, gave Ke$ha the answer she was looking for before breaking open a 90-minute, 15-song set of her biggest hits.
Given the sometimes raunchy nature of Ke$ha's act -- after all, this is called the "Get $leazy Tour" -- fair officials had promised a PG show from the trash pop queen, whose regular shows normally veer closer to an R rating. The originally scheduled opening act, dirty rap duo Spank Rock, had already been bounced in favor of the Seattle pop act Champagne Champagne.
Still, at the time of the show's announcement, some fairgoers were not happy with the booking, especially considering the fair's family-friendly atmosphere. And leading up to the show, it was hard to imagine what a PG-rated Ke$ha show would look like.
Just this week, Ke$ha promoted her tour in Rolling Stone magazine by saying it would feature a sexually suggestive confetti cannon that she would ride. And earlier this month, Fox News host Laura Ingraham, who was co-hosting "The O'Reilly Factor," condemned Ke$ha, calling her "cultural rot."
On this clear summer night, Ke$ha never got to ride her cannon, seemingly abiding by the fair's rules. And while her performance was somewhat tame, her language was anything but. Ke$ha did not censor her lyrics, leading to a show peppered with four-letter words. She also let an f-bomb or two fly during song introductions.
While the show didn't quite live up to the PG promise, it did rev up thousands of Ke$ha's fans who crowded the track to see the pop world's latest bad girl in person. (The show did not sell out, however, and there were plenty of seats available in the Grandstand.)


News : Ke$ha : MTV Special In Mexico

MTV Latin America has announced that the international concert event, World Stage Mexico, will feature pop sensation Ke$ha in her first performance in Mexico.
The grand musical event will take place in Mexico City for the second consecutive year.
"One of MTV's greatest music properties is back in Latin America! The first-ever World-Stage event in the region took place just last year in Mexico City and was a huge success on air, online and across social networks," Fernando Gaston, a senior vice president of MTV/Vh1 Latin America, said in a statement.
"This year, we're hoping to deliver more memorable musical moments that resonate with our audience and bring this local MTV Latin America production to MTV's fans around the world," he added.
Ke$ha is currently on the "Get $leazy" world tour.
"MTV World Stage Mexico" with Ke$ha will air on MTV Latin America Friday, Sept. 23, at 9 p.m.



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News : Ke$ha : Talking with pop superstar Ke$ha proves that under all that glitter and garbage, there’s heart and work ethic

“I thought, well, some people maybe don’t wanna potentially put themselves in an illegal situation, potentially get arrested. Or don’t wanna make out with roadies.”

Ke$ha, international pop star and occasional Nashvillian — those occasions being the rare moments of rest in the otherwise insane schedule of an international pop star — is on the phone from Belfast, Northern Ireland. She’s in the midst of a summer-long tour that’s taken her all across Europe before jumping the pond to finish out the season, running across North America and maintaining the kind of pace, travel and work schedule that would crush a normal human being.

There’s a hesitation in her voice that may be due to the transcontinental nature of our conference call — or maybe it’s the result of talking to an endless stream of knucklehead journalists in 15-minute bursts for days at a stretch. But she perks up, her voice brightens and the fog of a long workday clears when she starts talking about her involvement with local volunteer organization Hands On Nashville, with whom she partnered to give away tickets to her upcoming Municipal Auditorium show.

“[The fans] can just help out instead and get a free ticket,” says Ke$ha.

It flies in the face of her bad-girl image — volunteerism is rarely at the top of the wild-child checklist — but reflects a genuine concern and affection for the fans who have gotten her where she is today. For all of the critical derision that’s gone down since “Tik Tok” first hit the airwaves, and for all of the hand-wringing that’s come from the chattering classes over Ke$ha’s mere existence — see Vanity Fair’s recent “OMG, she’s heard of post-modernism!” blog post — she’s not the glitter-crusted fifth horseman of the Apocalypse, or even just another vapid party girl.

Even from a brief conversation, it’s easy to tell that Ke$ha is the consummate professional, working long hours and grueling days so that we — the listeners and fans — can party like there’s no tomorrow whenever we pop in her albums or plunk down the cash for a ticket. It’s the hard-workin’/hard-partyin’ dichotomy that gets lost in the tabloid shuffle, with the former being ignored because the latter makes for better click-bait on gossip blogs, more scandalous headlines and self-righteous pseudo-shock for online editorials. Her public persona doesn’t really leave room for the undeniable fact that this woman works her damn ass off.

Not that she doesn’t have a few little hell-raising notches on her metaphorical bedpost — her pre-fame, pre-career, pre-pop-star Brentwood existence was pretty much par for the course as far as teenage shenanigans go.

“I hung out with a few people from high school, but for the most part we would always drive downtown,” says Ke$ha. “We would go to the Exit/In and try to sneak into shows, or we would go run around Centennial Park and climb up into the trees, or we would sneak into the [strictly 21-plus] Springwater and try to drink beers, or we would try to crash frat parties. … We also threw a bunch of parties at the Motel 8. We threw hotel parties and got kicked out.”

It’s pretty normal stuff, frankly, and that’s a big part of the appeal. Contrary to what the moral arbiters in the LifeWay tower and the Tennessean’s comment section might say, the girl next door is not sitting at home in a knee-length skirt and a sensible blouse reading her Bible on a Saturday night. In reality, the girl next door likes to get dressed up, likes to get loose after work and likes to get a little (or a lot) drunk. The girl next door has that most typical of human traits (a sex drive) and her own opinions, and she isn’t going to apologize for them. Much to the horror of conservative parents everywhere, this is the new normal.

The reason so many people can relate to songs like “We R Who We R,” “Take It Off” and “Blow” isn’t because it’s a pop star singing from an elevated or privileged position. These songs aren’t about trickle-down glamour-nomics, but rather the daydreams and web memes that make a workweek bearable — the sort of fantasies that keep you from losing your mind after a long day of talking to total strangers about total bullshit. These are service-class anthems — proletarian pop for the American post-manufacturing/pre-robot takeover era.

As we wrap up our conversation — touching on such epic topics as dry cleaning, all-ages rock venues in Brentwood and her non-beef Twitter beef with The Black Keys’ Patrick Carney (”I was at his house, and he was Twittering me from across the table”) — there’s a pang of jealousy in the author’s heart. Somewhere on the other side of the world, there are thousands of people about to get the payoff for all of their hard work and all of her hard work — they’re done with their workday, and they get to tap into those daydreams, to revel in the release of being one’s self.

And they didn’t even have to make out with a roadie.

What's coming up in K Dolla Web 2.0 THE MASSIVE UPDATE

Wednesday 27 July 2011
What's coming up in K Dolla Web 2.0 THE MASSIVE UPDATE

Access Member-Only VIP Media Only For Exclusive Members Like YOU

Access Puplic Media Avaliable for both non-member and members. Not as many items but yeah.

Access Member-Only Thoughts Page where you can read my thoughts/your thoughts and share your stories.

Lots of new fun gadjets , a banner , and maybe even minigames!

Avaliable at 10 to 20 Members.

Want More Stuff? Join and be a 'MEMBER' for more 'EXCLUSIVES'

Tuesday 26 July 2011
Want more exclusive's?
Well join and be a member now and gain access to quite alot of things + For Helping it get there quicker invite your friends!! <3

Goals :

7 Members ... 3 Ke$ha Avies!!!

9 Members ... 1 Ke$ha Banner!!!

11 Members ... Ke$ha Cannibal Promo (HD) [fanmade]

13 Members ... New Gadjets Added!

15 Members ... The Peachy KE$HA "Design Kit"

18 Members ... I'm the one (Filtered Accapella Snippet)

20 Members ... VIP MEDIA page (members only...includes various stuff)

23 Members ... 5+ New items added in VIP MEDIA

26 Members ... (non-member) MEDIA page ...       Including 3 items for Non-Members....Updating.

30 MEMBERS !!! ... The K Dolla Peach Quiz Gamefest!! (win prizes)

35 MEMBERS ... 5+ new items in VIP Media and +2 new items for Non-Members.

40 MEMBERS ... New gadjets , the GAMING page "including reviews,the latest news about video games."

45 MEMBERS ... New layout , 10 new items in VIP Media and in Regular MEDIA aka non-member media where both members and nonmemebers can go.. "a FANMADE cd called "The Glittery Mixtape" containing 5 songs! "Remixes..."

50 MEMBERS !!! ... THOUGHTS&JOURNAL&UPDATES page +   ...  3 Beats Made By Me!! + Free New Avies , Banner & Suprise..

News : Ke$ha : The Harold Song

The song "The Harold Song"
Might have a music video wheter its a single or not..

A interview states :

Are you planning to release any more singles from Cannibal?
“I would love to release ‘The Harold Song’, but I actually don’t know what the next single is going to be. It’s all being discussed at the moment. I wish I could tell you, but I don’t actually know yet.”

Have you thought about what a music video for ‘The Harold Song’ would be like?
“I have actually. I’ve written the video treatment, but I can’t tell you! It’s very dramatic. I’ll keep you guys posted. I think I’m going to make a video for it either way, because I have a really beautiful video idea. Whether it’s a single or not, you can definitely be looking out for a video.”

~ Peach

Photoshoot : Ke$ha : Baby-G


Click For Full Size.
~ Peach

Photoshoot : Ke$ha : US Weekly Outtakes


~ Peach

Appearance : Ke$ha : K$ at... Amfar Gala.

Ke$ha lookin' stunning as always!
(These are not all pics...)

Click for bigger size.

~ Peach

Photoshoot : Ke$ha : Joseph Anthony OUTTAKES

Some outtakes i found.


~ Peach

News : Ke$ha : “I want to be f**king perfect”

It’s been a busy couple of years for America’s filthiest pop gal Ke$ha. Since unleashing her worldwide breakout hit ‘Tik Tok’ in ‘09, she has gone on to release a string of boozy party hits, expanded her debut album Animal into the meatier Cannibal, and is responsible for Britney Spears’s biggest worldwide hit since ‘Toxic’. With her ‘$leazy’ tour arriving in the UK this month, we phoned her up to find out what fans can expect from her live shows, as well as that all-important second album.
Will there be any changes to your ‘Get $leazy’ tour when you bring it to the UK later this month?
“No, it’s going to be just as sleazy. Actually, I feel like I could get a little more sleazier in the UK. You guys are kind of more cool with more s**t than America is. I do dismember a person and drink blood from an actual heart.”

So are UK audiences the best in the world?
“Honestly, every time I’ve ever played in the UK people just go so f**king mental, it’s amazing. I live for that. That’s why I play shows – to give people a place to go and go f**king crazy. In the UK, and especially my London shows, people definitely take advantage of that. We’ve had police and firemen called mutliple times to my shows here and everyone just comes dressed as wild animals. I love it.”

Are you planning to release any more singles from Cannibal?
“I would love to release ‘The Harold Song’, but I actually don’t know what the next single is going to be. It’s all being discussed at the moment. I wish I could tell you, but I don’t actually know yet.”

Have you thought about what a music video for ‘The Harold Song’ would be like?
“I have actually. I’ve written the video treatment, but I can’t tell you! It’s very dramatic. I’ll keep you guys posted. I think I’m going to make a video for it either way, because I have a really beautiful video idea. Whether it’s a single or not, you can definitely be looking out for a video.”

How is work going on your next album?
“I’m writing constantly about all my crazy experiences across the world, so I have a lot of music I’ve already written. I haven’t turned that material into a record yet, but it’s definitely coming along. No final decisions have been made.”

How many songs have you written so far?
“Oh God, I have so many songs! Songs will leak and I don’t even remember writing them. I’ve written about 200. How many songs have I written recently? I honestly couldn’t say.”

You recently revealed that you were making a ’70s rock record; what did you mean by that?
“Yeah, that’s what I’ve been listening to a lot recently and I think it’s so ballsy and I love that.”

Has that been inspired by your flamboyant stage shows?
“Totally. I’ve been playing a lot of guitar and so it’s quite exciting to think about threading that into the new material and just making it better and better.”

What ’70s rock artists have you been listening to for inspiration?
“I’ve been listening to a lot of Led Zeppelin, AC/DC and probably the one CD I haven’t taken out of my record player in a long time is Iggy Pop’s The Idiot.”

Are there any other sounds you would like to play around with?
“I definitely want the next record to be experimental and I would love to play with all the different sounds of the music I listen to. I really want some dirty guitar and I wouldn’t mind if there were elements of blues.”

Have you decided which producers you would like to work with yet?
“I haven’t yet. Of course I’m going to work with Doctor Luke and Max Martin on some songs, but I would also love to work with some maybe not-so-obvious producers.”

Anyone in mind?
“I’ve been trying to get the Dust Brothers (Rolling Stones, Beastie Boys) on board for a while now, who have also done a lot of Beck records. I was also speaking to my friend Paul Nicholls last night, who is a DJ and also an amazing producer, so I really want to work with him – he’s really talented.”

You wrote Britney Spears’s last single ‘Till The World Ends’; did you get to meet her?
“I didn’t get to see her record the track, but I have met her and she’s super sweet. She’s the queen of pop music, so it was quite a compliment that she wanted to record it. For her to then put it out as a single is f**king amazing. That song was written specifically for Britney – I put my brain in Britney Spears land and wrote that whole song for her.”

Are you going to try to get her to return the favour and appear on your album?
“Totally, I would f**king love that. She’s an icon!”

Are you writing for anyone else at the moment?
“I get approached a lot to write for other people. Right now I’m just being bizarre and writing about my experiences, so I don’t really want to give them to somebody else because it wouldn’t be true to them. If I write for someone else I want to make it personal to them and I don’t really have the time at the moment to focus on somebody else. I’m obsessed about my tour and the UK shows at the moment. I’m a little OCD with what I’m doing now – I just want to be f**king perfect.”

Have you written a song and thought it would suit another artist more?
“Yeah, there was a song I wrote for myself and for whatever reason it didn’t end up on the record and somebody else really wanted to record it – so I let her, but usually I don’t like doing it that way. It was for Miranda Cosgrove.”

Ke$ha kicks off her ‘$leazy’ tour at Manchester’s O2 Apollo on July 11.

Video : Ke$ha : MTV’s Got Issues Body Image

Click To Watch...

~ Peach

Ke$ha to release new song ‘Shots On The Hood Of My Car’?

Ke$ha could be preparing to release the first single from her second studio album.

The singer has released new track ‘Shots On The Hood Of My Car’ to US radio, according to the listings on All Access Music Group.

The track appeared online last week and was presumed by fans to be a demo left over from her sessions recording her debut album Animal or its expanded edition Cannibal.

However, its appearance on radio listings in the US may confirm that the 24-year-old is to officially release the song as her new single.

Speaking to Digital Spy last month, Ke$ha revealed that she was in talks about her next single and wanted it to be Cannibal track ‘The Harold Song’.

The popstar also confessed that she has been writing about all of her crazy experiences touring the world for her new record.

No release for ‘Shots On The Hood Of My Car’ has yet been confirmed.


~ Peach

Photoshoot : Ke$ha : Terry Richardson # 2

More Pics Of Terry Richardson's Photoshoot Here...
~ Peach

Video : Ke$ha : Ke$ha is coming to Brazil , Sao Paulo.

Tour : Ke$ha : Ke$ha begins tour with stop in Harrington

Shock pop queen Ke$ha will kick off her 36-date North American "Get Sleazy" summer tour at the Delaware State Fair in Harrington tonight at 7:30.
Some tickets, $45-$50, are still available to see the woman behind hits like "Tik Tok" and "Blow."
Read a review of her highly anticipated performance in Ryan Cormier's Pulp Culture blog and, because the show is expected to run later than our deadlines allow, in The News Journal on Thursday.


~ peach

Music : Ke$ha : Unexpected Song / Collab w T-Pain & Pitbull

T-Pain confirms he will be working with Ke$ha on a new song as soon she is back in the studio-
It will be great! .. Pitbull is featured aswell. Could it be a single/Track of Tpains new album dropping soon?

And a UNEXPECTED SONG by K$ will be dropping soon as Dr.Luke tweeted on his twitter she is back on the booth recording a new song.

News : Ke$ha : I don't do bottom feeders.

Recently A New Ke$ha interview...

In next week’s dead-tree edition of the Scene, we’ve got an interview that I did with pop star and pseudo-sorta-sometimes Nashvillian Ke$ha. All in all it was … an interview. Not much to say about it really. Except that we share a distaste for shrimp! Stars — they’re just like us! I’m actually neutral on the topic — I just don’t really get what the big deal is — but it’s kind of nice to have my opinion validated by somebody my parents have heard of before. It’s the little things that make this gig worth doing.

Anyway, here’s the convo, which started as I tried to get to the bottom of her non-beef Twitter beef with the Black Keys’ Patrick Carney:

Ke$ha: We were fighting about shrimp because he [likes] shrimp, and I personally think
they are the cockroaches of the ocean, so we kinda got into it over the shrimp topic.

Nashville Scene: Yeah, shrimp are kinda weird. It’s like chewing on a sponge.
Ke$ha: Yeah, they’re gross. If you’ve ever seen one alive, you would never actually want to
eat a dead one.

Nashville Scene: Yeah, they’re weird little bugs. I mean they’re overgrown sea monkeys.
Ke$ha: Oh, gross.

Nashville Scene: Yeah, think about that next time. Any other, hmmm, any other shellfish you’re not into?
Ke$ha: I don’t do shellfish. I don’t do bottom feeders.

Nashville Scene: Excellent. Good to know. Not that I plan on cooking shellfish anytime soon.
Ke$ha: Yeah, don’t send me shellfish and/or shrimp. Please. Ever.

Some hard-hitting stuff right there folks. This is why I get paid the big bucks … which will hopefully be enough to cover the medical bills when the Shrimp lobby comes to my house and breaks my knees. Anyway, be sure to check out the real article in the paper next week. Also, there’s still a little time for you to volunteer with Hands On Nashville to earn free tickets to K-Dolla’s show at Municipal on the 31st. Get on it.


~ Peach

Photoshoot : Ke$ha : Terry Richardson


~ Peach