News : Ke$ha : I don't do bottom feeders.

Tuesday 26 July 2011
Recently A New Ke$ha interview...

In next week’s dead-tree edition of the Scene, we’ve got an interview that I did with pop star and pseudo-sorta-sometimes Nashvillian Ke$ha. All in all it was … an interview. Not much to say about it really. Except that we share a distaste for shrimp! Stars — they’re just like us! I’m actually neutral on the topic — I just don’t really get what the big deal is — but it’s kind of nice to have my opinion validated by somebody my parents have heard of before. It’s the little things that make this gig worth doing.

Anyway, here’s the convo, which started as I tried to get to the bottom of her non-beef Twitter beef with the Black Keys’ Patrick Carney:

Ke$ha: We were fighting about shrimp because he [likes] shrimp, and I personally think
they are the cockroaches of the ocean, so we kinda got into it over the shrimp topic.

Nashville Scene: Yeah, shrimp are kinda weird. It’s like chewing on a sponge.
Ke$ha: Yeah, they’re gross. If you’ve ever seen one alive, you would never actually want to
eat a dead one.

Nashville Scene: Yeah, they’re weird little bugs. I mean they’re overgrown sea monkeys.
Ke$ha: Oh, gross.

Nashville Scene: Yeah, think about that next time. Any other, hmmm, any other shellfish you’re not into?
Ke$ha: I don’t do shellfish. I don’t do bottom feeders.

Nashville Scene: Excellent. Good to know. Not that I plan on cooking shellfish anytime soon.
Ke$ha: Yeah, don’t send me shellfish and/or shrimp. Please. Ever.

Some hard-hitting stuff right there folks. This is why I get paid the big bucks … which will hopefully be enough to cover the medical bills when the Shrimp lobby comes to my house and breaks my knees. Anyway, be sure to check out the real article in the paper next week. Also, there’s still a little time for you to volunteer with Hands On Nashville to earn free tickets to K-Dolla’s show at Municipal on the 31st. Get on it.


~ Peach


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