News : Ke$ha : The Harold Song

Tuesday 26 July 2011
The song "The Harold Song"
Might have a music video wheter its a single or not..

A interview states :

Are you planning to release any more singles from Cannibal?
“I would love to release ‘The Harold Song’, but I actually don’t know what the next single is going to be. It’s all being discussed at the moment. I wish I could tell you, but I don’t actually know yet.”

Have you thought about what a music video for ‘The Harold Song’ would be like?
“I have actually. I’ve written the video treatment, but I can’t tell you! It’s very dramatic. I’ll keep you guys posted. I think I’m going to make a video for it either way, because I have a really beautiful video idea. Whether it’s a single or not, you can definitely be looking out for a video.”

~ Peach


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